Equifax Data Breach

What does Equifax Do?

Equifax is a credit reporting agency that uses information from people to create credit reports and credit scores. They sell people's credit information to lenders so they can see if they have no credit risks.

Social Implications

Millions of innocent people are at the risk of having their identities stolen through this data breach. They have access to people's social security numbers, names, birthdates, driver's license and their address. Some people have also had their credit card numbers breached. The hackers have the information to potentially do a significant amount of damage to the people affected by the breach.

Who's data was hacked?

Anyone who has a credit card was most likely affected. 147 million Americans were affected by this data breach. This data breach could have effected my family's privacy, identities and personal information.

How do you know if your data was breached?

You can go onto a website where it will have you fill out your last name and the last 6 digits of your Social Security number to check if your data has been breached. Click here to check if your information was affected.


If you are affected by the Equifax Data Breach than you are able to file a claim which can give you up to $125, or you can choose to receive free credit monitoring.