Direct Air Capture

Carbon Capture Fans

What is Direct Air Capture?

Direct Air Capture is a machine that is able to collect Carbon Dioxide from the air and conserve it in a form that can be reused. This innovation can help reduce climate change and polution in our air. The captured CO2 can be made into products and even clean burning liquid fuels. Click Here!

Carbon Capture Diagram

How does it work?

Direct Air Capture works by bringing air into a chemical loop, through large fans, so a stream of pure Carbon Dioxide would come out to be stored for future use. There would be multiple fans working at once continually removing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. Click Here!

Carbon Capture Plant

How effective is it?

Direct Air Capture will be able to remove 1 million tons of Carbon Dioxide per year. It is also very cost effective as it would cost around 100-150 dollars per ton of Carbon Dioxide Captured, making it a cheaper plan than most other ideas.Click Here!